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Humanitarian Health Action


Communicable diseases and crises


WHO continues to track the evolving infectious disease situation, sound the alarm when needed, share expertise, and mount the kind of response needed to protect populations from the consequences of epidemics, whatever and wherever might be their origin.

Communicable diseases following natural disasters
pdf, 98kbFlooding and communicable diseases fact sheetDisease control in humanitarian emergencies websiteA field manual - Communicable disease control in emergenciesFlooding and communicable diseases - Risk assessment and preventive measures
pdf, 319kb

Fact sheets

Flooding and communicable diseases fact sheet - website

Technical notes

Communicable diseases and severe food shortage
WHO Technical note (2010)Early warning surveillance and responseCurrent recommendations for treatment of tetanusManaging pertussis outbreaksWHO Recommended surveillance standardsCountry epidemiological profiles

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Technical guidelines on

GuidelinesCholeraHaemorrhagic fever, viralMalariaMeaslesMeningitisTuberculosisOther

Humanitarian health actionTechnical guidelines in emergenciesGuidelines for public health topics in crises


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