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Common gynecological issues

Gynaecological Conditions
Below are some common gynaecological conditions we are able to address for you.
 Menstrual Disorders:
1.Heavy menstrual bleeding
2.Menstrual pain and irregularity
3.Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS)
Family Planning:
Contraception – temporary and permanent
Mirena insertion
Implanon insertion
Essure sterilisation
Also see our Fertility Management section
Routine papsmears and follow-up of abnormal smears.
HPV vaccination
General Gynaecological issues:
1.Ovarian cystsPelvic pain
3.Uterine fibroids
4.Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
5.Acne and abnormal female hair distribution
6.Genital tract infections
7.Vulva and vagina skin disorders
Symptomatic treatment including 1.Hormone replacement therapy
2.Osteoporosis prevention, screening and treatment
3.Post-menopausal bleeding
Pelvic floor disorders:
1.Pelvic organ prolapse
2.Urinary incontinence
3,Recurrent urinary tract infection
4.Knowledge of and referral for urodynamics testing
Thorough infertility assessment
Complete infertility investigations
Assisted conception and ovulation induction
For more information see our Fertility Management section.
Assessment for and diagnosis of gynaecological cancers
Treatment of pre-cancerous gynaecological lesions

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