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How to deal with an inflammation and pain?

How to Deal Naturally with Inflammation


Inflammation and pain are irrevocably linked. By reducing the amount and incidence of inflammation your body experiences, you will automatically reduce any associated pain too. Check out these great ways you can learn how to deal with inflammation naturally.

Listen to your body

Inflammation is a natural body reflex. It’s your body’s reaction to an injury or condition, and it’s your body’s natural way of telling you about the problems, and of trying to deal with them. So from that point of view, inflammation is actually a good thing. The pain associated with it is your body’s way of warning you to go steady; to back off doing whatever ever it is that is bringing the pain on and to allow the damage to be repaired. The problem is that inflammation can actually cause its own inflammation. In effect it’s over compensating, and this is one of the things we need to try to resolve.

Inflammation often starts off as an irritation. It’s the first step in the natural process. It then leads in due course to the warning pain. There are 2 types of inflammation – acute inflammation, and chronic inflammation. Read on to learn about the types and how to deal with inflammation naturally.

Acute Inflammation

Acute inflammation is characterized by its rapid onset, which then quickly becomes severe. Although symptoms can sometimes persist for several weeks, they normally last only a few days. Some common examples of conditions that prompt acute inflammation include: in-growing toenails, sore throats, and tonsillitis.

Chronic inflammation

The term “chronic inflammation” refers to a long-term condition which can last for several months, and in some instances, even years. Common causes include:

Non-elimination of the condition or circumstances that caused the original acute inflammationA wrong autoimmune response, whereby your body is tricked into attacking healthy tissue, mistakenly believing it to be harmful pathogensA persistent level of low intensity irritation

Examples of chronic inflammation include things like rheumatoid arthritis, periodontitis, and Crohn’s disease.

There are several methods whereby we can reduce the amount of inflammation we experience, and in the process, help to soothe the associated pain. The first one is a classic you will already be familiar with.

Here is how you can deal with inflammation naturally: 

Inflammation and pain reduction technique # 1 – the application of ice

This technique is something that you always used to see a few years ago when any sporting injury took place. On would race the trainer or physio, complete with a bucket containing iced water and with sponge in hand, which he/she would then immediately apply to the injured area. In today’s more modern times, the iced water and sponge has been changed for an aerosol spray.

In the comfort of our own homes, we tend to use either ice, straight from the freezer, or a packet of frozen peas. But whatever it is you use, (be it ice or peas), you should not apply it directly to the naked skin, but should wrap it in a towel first.

Inflammation and pain reduction technique # 2 – NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

This is something that many people revert to when inflammation flares up – the taking of NSAIDS which can be purchased over the counter from drug stores and supermarkets. Whilst we won’t rule this out entirely, because they can help to bring quick pain relief, I don’t recommend it. The holistic way is the natural way, without putting any chemicals into our bodies unless the pain really screams out for a fast fix.

Inflammation and pain reduction technique # 3 – Exercise

When it comes down to trying to reduce inflammation and pain, exercise can help, but you do need to proceed cautiously, bearing in mind that as we discussed at the beginning of this article, inflammation is your body’s natural response to injury, when it’s warning you not to exert undue stress on the injured area.

But having said that, a little light exercise can help to keep you mobile, and certainly in the case of some conditions such as arthritis, although there is still a certain amount pain present, regular light exercise will help to enhance and facilitate mobility. This is a very useful response to inflammation and is highly recommended when you chose to deal with inflammation naturally. 

Inflammation and pain reduction technique # 4 – Diet

Our fourth technique for reducing inflammation and pain in a more holistic way is through diet. Many of the ingredients that NSAIDS contain are chemicals that mimic the action of food substances found in Mother Nature’s larder. These can be used effectively, not only to lessen inflammation, but to quicken recovery; so let’s take a look at a few of the foods we’re talking about.

Inflammation and pain reduction food   1 – Ginger

The use of Ginger as anti-inflammatory goes back thousands of years, when it was used in Ayurvedic medicine, and Ancient Chinese herbal medicine to treat conditions such as arthritis, colic, constipation, and other gastrointestinal conditions. Ginger owes its powerful anti-inflammatory characteristics to compounds it contains which are known as known as Gingeroles.

There has been much research and many tests carried out into the anti-inflammatory properties of Ginger in double-blind, placebo studies. You can read more about them and their significant rates of success under the section of “Anti-inflammatory Effects”
Inflammation and pain reduction food  2 – Turmeric

Turmeric contains a substance known as Curcumin, a natural anti-inflammatory substance that has been likened to potent drugs such as hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone. Curcumin is known to be an effective treatment for bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease and ulcerated colitis.

Tests also show that Curcumin exhibits strong antioxidant characteristics, and that it is able to destroy free radicals. This makes it an effective treatment for conditions such as arthritis. It can also aid with the treating of cystic fibrosis, and is now linked with being able to help with the prevention of certain cancers, including cancer of the colon. For more information about Turmeric and Curcumin,

Inflammation and pain reduction food 3 – Tart Cherries

Good news for Cherry lovers; it has been suggested by research carried out at the Oregon Health and Science University that Tart cherries have a higher anti-inflammatory content than any other food. In tests carried out on rats, sharp Cherry juice reduced the inflammation in their blood by up to 50%.

It seems it’s the antioxidant compounds that Tart cherries contain, known as anthocyanins, that give these small fruits such a high antioxidant kick, enabling them to reduce the levels of inflammation as well as some well-known over-the-counter pain relief medications.

Research indicates that drinking a regular dose of tart Cherry juice each day promotes the relief of osteoarthritis pain by more than 20% in both men and women. Anthocyanins are now being researched further for their ability to aid athletes to recover from muscle and joint pain.

Inflammation and pain reduction food # 4 – Protein

Ensuring that you get the right amount of protein into any diet is very important, especially in terms of anti-inflammatory characteristics. The best foods that deliver great protein content, and that are high in anti-inflammatory characteristics are foods like grass fed beef, and oily fish, including salmon, sardines, and tuna.

Healthy saturated fatty acids, such as omega-3, and that are contained in the fish mentioned above, are particularly good for fighting inflammation in your joints. They’re great for cardiovascular health too.

Inflammation and pain reduction food # 5 – Green Tea

Okay, I know it’s not a food as such, but nonetheless it still deserves its place amongst the foods that fight inflammation. It’s the anti-oxidants that give green tea its awesome health benefits, and these particular anti-oxidants, called Polyphenols, are great anti-inflammatories.

It’s the ability of Polyphenols to be able to neutralize free radicals that that makes them so important for good health and well being. The damage that free radicals do to our cells is what brands them as bad boys, so being able to neutralize this damage, by taking the instigators out, is very important for any holistic health lifestyle. It is also now being suggested that Polyphenols, as well having the power to neutralize free radicals, can also help to repair some of the damage that they cause, which includes things like aging, cancer

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